Top 10 Ways to Simplify Your Schedule
Sometimes it feels as though there isn’t enough time in the day to do everything in your itinerary. Between your job, family, friends and everything in the middle, a daily schedule can get exhausting, but overwhelming as well. But, there is something you can do – simplify your schedule. And to help you, here are top ten ways to do it.
#1 Find your comfort zone.
One meeting here, another there, and a schedule can get pretty full in no time. Limit your commitments to one or two per day, to avoid burnout over the week. Weekends move at a slower pace, so there will be plenty of room in your schedule to reclaim the activities you miss.
#2 Evaluate your obligations during the week.
Question the purpose of every commitment. Think about why you do the things you do, and why. Business or pleasure, each engagement has to add value and benefit your life goals.
#3 Choose your commitments carefully.
Think before you agree to an invitation. The event might not be the ideal fit for you or will drain too much energy. It’s easy to get carried away by the fear of missing out, but it’s much worse to commit to something you’re not 100% on board with.
#4 It’s okay to say no.
So once in a while, use it to avoid stretching yourself and your schedule too thin. After all, saying no to one thing means saying yes to another. And if you nurture good relationships, people will understand.
#5 Keep close friends closer.
If you intend to simplify your schedule, you need to limit the number of people you spend time with on a regular basis. It means selecting a core group of friends and family who you care about and bring out the best in you. Less is usually more.
#6 Don’t waste time on activities that don’t matter to you.
There is too much of everything on offer these days, so it’s easy to get lost in something which you don’t want to do. Focus on your inner desires and what makes you feel happy instead.
#7 Make room in your schedule for rest.
It doesn’t matter how active your lifestyle is or how much work you have to do; there should always be enough time in your schedule for rest, relaxation and exercise. It’s how your mind and body recharge, and the only way to balance out your daily routine.
#8 Don’t pressure yourself with “should.” Use “could” instead.
Unlike should which evokes a sense of requirement, could implies potential in its meaning. Maybe, you should go to a party with colleagues after work, but you could go there or read a book, spend time with your family, or call it an early night. It’s up to you.
#9 Delegate tasks to make more room in your schedule.
Who says you have to do everything yourself? Both in business and pleasure, delegating less significant tasks to others leaves you with more time to re-invest into matters vital to you. All you have to do is have faith in the other person to do the task based on your instructions.
#10 Use the internet to create your schedule online.
If you lead an active lifestyle, keeping track of what you have to do at home and in the office is difficult. It’s always a good idea to create an itinerary, especially one which notifies you about your next appointment.
And it’s easy to set up online scheduling software. Sign up for a free trial and take a look at precisely what we mean.
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